Saving money is always a hot subject. CouponWCode - a trusted website that offers the latest coupons and discount codes for plenty of stores. The goal of CouponWCode is saving money, saving time.
In order to support young leaders that understand frugality and saving money, the scholarship("CouponWCode Scholarship") will be awarded to one student from anywhere around the world (US, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Singapore...) to help him/her pay for his/her education.
This program requires the participants to write an essay about saving money in your daily life and their thoughts on the future of e-commerce and coupon websites. Individuals with the best ideas and responses will be chosen to give a presentation at our site, and the person with the most intriguing ideas will be chosen for the prize.
Just by applying for this scholarship, you're already off to a great start!
The winner will be given a one-time $1000 scholarship towards their college tuition.
Candidates must submit by December 31st, 2024.
Note: Post your information(Name, Gender, Email, Phone Number, University/College, Country, Address) at the end of the email.
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